get a new phone number with NumberGarage

New Phone Numbers

Find and buy new local and toll free business phone numbers using our simple search tool.

We have millions of local and toll free numbers to search and choose from for your new business number

Find a phone number that is local to your customer base by state, city or area code, or create a customized vanity toll free phone number with keywords that match your brand or business. Allow your customers an easy way to remember how to reach you.

Start My Number Search

A dedicated business phone number

What phone number is best for you?

Local Phone Numbers

Make an easy connection with a phone number in your customer's local area code.

Toll Free Numbers

800 numbers give your business a reputation boost and professional image.

Easy Dial Numbers

Buy a phone number that is easy to remember with repeating digits or a pattern.

Vanity Phone Numbers

Find a phone number that spells a memorable keyword or your company name.

Our search tools and filters make it easy to find the perfect phone number for your business line. You can add as many phone numbers as your business needs.

How new phone numbers work


Search our marketplace

Access to over 40 million phone numbers including local and toll free phone numbers.


Use words or names

Find a new phone number using your company name, brand or keywords.


Buy it and it's yours

You own your phone number. Keep it, move it, save it.

Advanced phone number tip

Finding a custom business phone number is a great way to create a memorable marketing tool for customers and potential customers to contact you. 1-800-YOURBIZ is much easier to remember than 1-800-968-7249.

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Take off with NumberGarage

Give customers an easy way to remember how to reach you.

  • Custom (or vanity) phone numbers provide a sense of professionalism
  • Stand out from your competitors
  • Millions of local and toll free numbers to choose from
  • You'll own the phone number. It's yours.
  • Add as many new numbers as you need.

Additional Features


Manage business calls, voicemail and text through a separate business phone number on your mobile phone.

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Overhaul your communications

Get in the garage and get a phone system upgrade for your small business

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